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Week 10-13_4/17-5/8/19

Week 10 | 4/17/19 We did our second presentation this week. Once the presentation was completed, we were able to focus on the design and mechatronics. I helped to clean up the limit switch housings because there was extra material left over from the 3-D printing. I was also available for input on the autonomous code. Week 11 | 4/24/19 This week was mainly spent on the mechanical design and preparing for the end of the semester. Some of the sensors and housings were mounted, and others needed the proper holes drilled so that they could be mounted. Week 12 | 5/1/19 A lot of progress was made this week. I was able to help out with cutting the track supports down to size so they were ready to be welded the next day. While the sensors were mounted onto the bogie,  the wiring, power supplies, and Arduino boards needed a secure mounting location. I was able to find the bogie suspension apparatus from the previous half-scale team, but no longer functioned as intended. I disassembled...

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