Weekly Update

Week 1

There was a team meeting where we went over goals for the year. These goals were to get the wayside power to be functional and to get the bogie up and running.

Week 2

The team discussed how to approach our goals with Paul. His feedback was helpful. His suggestions were to get the bogie running under the current design while looking for immediate issues that should be resolved and prioritizing them accordingly (doing most of the small/easy fixes first). He also suggested reaching out to previous half scale teams to learn as much as we can about the project.

Week 3

As a team we redefined our goal to be to get the bogie to run. We worked together to understand enough to power it up. One of the issues was the power supply, so we rewired the driving motor to a working power supply and successfully moved the bogie a few feet. We took measurements to begin putting together a BOM and work towards getting a sponsor and defining any design specifications. I was able to pull some information from previous teams' BOMs.

Week 4

The team decided to divide the work into two sections, mechanical design and mechatronics. I will be focusing more on the mechatronics with Oscar. Both sides will focus on learning about how to accomplish their part, and we will share these findings with each other so we don't all get burned out on the same problem. We began torque calculations using dynamics. This was to determine the required motor specifications. We also discussed reorienting the motor so we wouldn't need miter gears per a suggestion from Dan.

Week 5

We had our first official presentation. I was able to look through the previous Arduino code and somewhat understand it. I will be looking further into that and updating it to reflect our goal. This will mainly consist of getting the bogie to be more autonomous by reading sensors on the track. 


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